Music, Sưu Tầm

Ludovico Einaudi – Nuvole Bianche | White Clouds

Nuvole Bianche | White Clouds – Ludovico Einaudi
Nuvole Bianche | White Clouds – Ludovico Einaudi

Sine lassala turmire  | It’s alright let her sleep
Iddhra moi nu ppo capire  |  She can’t get it now
None tienu nni parlare  |  No, don’t you talk to her
Ca nu ssente cchiui ‘stu core  |  Because she doesn’t feel this heart anymore
Ientu puru tie nu ddire  |  Wind, you too, don’t speak
Iddhra moi nu ppo capire  |  She can’t understand now
Torme torme e nu bbole  |  (She) Sleeps, sleeps and doesn’t want to
Nu nni piace cchiui ‘stu core  | She doesn’t feel this heart anymore 
Quattru ienti e ieu su sula  |  Four winds and I’m alone
Note mie senza furtuna  |  My note without luck
Lassala turmire ancora  |  Let her sleep still
Lassala cu mmore mprima  |  Let her die first
St’anima senza l’amore  |  This loveless soul
None tienu nni lu tare  |  No, you can’t help her
Turse (?) tiempu nu parlare  |  Let time go on and don’t talk
Passa tiempu e nu nni tire…  |  Time goes on and there is nothing to say

Tantu tie sai  |  Since you know
Quiddru ca ulìa  |  What I’d like 
Cu succede a nui  |  To happen to us
Cu te sentu ‘ncora qquai  |  To feel you still here
Sulu se uei  |  Only if you want
Nina se nci stai  |   Not if you can
Cu ttuerni cu mie  |  Come back to me

E tie se uei lu core miu stae qquai  |   And you, if you want my heart to be here
Basta cucchiuti l’ecchi e poi  |  Just close your eyes and then
Iti lu ttruei cantu e pensu te paru a tie  |  You’ll see you’ll find it, singing and thinking of you at the same moment
Suspirie lacrime ieu l’amore nu ttegnu cchiui  |  Sight and tears, a love which I don’t have anymore
Eri tielu miu bene…  |  You were my love

Ientu lassame ‘mpaccire  |  Wind, let me lose my mind
Iddhra prima o poi ‘a turnare  |  She has to come back sooner or later 
Lassame suffrire sula  |  Let me suffer alone
Lassame cu scerru ‘mprima  |  Let me forget first (as soon as possible)
L’anima te mie nde ole  |  My soul goes where it wants
None tie lassala fare  |  No, you let it do 
Passa tiempu e nu nni ‘ole  |  Times passes and she doesn’t want me
Passa tiempu e nu nni tire  |  Times goes by and we don’t see each other
‘Ola tienu te fermare  |  Fly and don’t you stop
Sula sula aggiu restare  |  Alone, alone I have to stay
Lassa cu ddenta nu sule  |  Let her become the sun
Iou allu sule ‘a(?) rimanire  |  I have to stay in the dark
‘Ola tienu te fermare  |  Fly and don’t you stop
Iddhra nu mme pote amare  |  She can’t love me
Passa tiempu e nu parlare  |  Time passes and we don’t speak
Passa tiempu e nu nni tire  |  Time goes by and we don’t see each other

Tantu tie sai  |  So you know
Quiddhru ca ulìa  |  What she wanted
Cu succede a nnui  |  What happened to us
Cu tte sentu’ncora qquai  |  What I still feel here
Sulu se uei  |  Only if you want
Nina se nci stai  |  Not if you can
Cu ttuerni cu mie  |  Come back to me

E tie se uei cu tuerni rretu sai  |  And if you want to come back, you know
Basta cu cchiuti l’ecchi e poi  |  Just close your eyes and then
Iti mettruei cantu epensu te paru a tie  |  You’ll see you’ll find me, singing and thinking of you at the same moment
Suspirie lacrime ieu l’amore nu ttegnu cchiui  |  Sighs and tears, a love which I don’t have anymore
Eri tielu miu bene…  |  You were my love

Cantu epensu te paru a tie  |  Singing and thinking of you at the same moment
Suspirie lacrime  |  Sighs and tears
Ieu l’amore nu ttegnu cchiui  | A love which I don’t have anymore
Eri tielu miu bene… | You were my love

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